Wednesday, February 18, 2009

first draft of my grant abstract

here is the first draft of my grant abstract.

For the sustained innovation of digitized intellectual dissemination and research; as well as the cognitive advancement of university faculty and students; online interfaces must be created which utilize the communicative potential of social media within university networks. Social media focused on the multifaceted integration of interdisciplinary information can be utilized to discuss complex social problems. This community could be oriented toward the distribution of knowledge among all participants within the symposium. Due to the fact that understanding complex social problems require interdisciplinary information from scholarly sources, comprehensive analysis, and community praxis; current institutional methods for enacting this process is not effective. Without using digital social communication, individual scholars, university scientists, educational institutions, non-profit organizations, ect. can not proactively integrate enough breadth of interdisciplinary information with the necessary fluidity and comprehensiveness to provide sustainable solutions for society. Another problem is that online scholarship lacks the availability of credible, interdisciplinary, conceptually complex media within a platform which enables authentic critiques the media from its educated body of users. Therefore, information technologies currently provide for the praxis of innovating social networking capabilities so that universities can holistically be utilized as an educational tool through emerging forms of digital media. Digital Identities can integrate their knowledge of complex issues through an online symposium, whereby insights can be disseminated, peer reviewed, incorporated into a digital knowledge base, and analyzed through the intellect and scholarship of the social network itself.

Much of the research i am compiling for my senior seminar project will be the theory behind the creation of the grant project itself. my experiments will be used in both the grant research and for my information theory project in the senior seminar class. i should just refer to my grant project as the "digital dissemination" project... or "DD".

give me some feedback about this abstract for the grant

1 comment:

  1. Travis! Love this idea! I have taken a stab at an edit which you are welcome to draw on further- or discard as I am not sure I am fully meeting all your intentions in my rather concise version. Hope this helps somehow!
    This project is rooted in the assumption that social media, focused on the multifaceted integration of interdisciplinary information, can be utilized to create a community of scholars with the access and incentive to collaborative in solving complex problems while simultaneously publishing and vetting research in an integrated and interdisciplinary venue. Currently online scholarship lacks the availability of a credible, interdisciplinary, web based platform that enables peer review and collaboration on scholarly research. The praxis of innovating social networking capabilities can holistically be utilized as an educational tool through emerging forms of digital scholarship, however, the specific web based applications for the sustained innovation of digitized intellectual dissemination and research has yet to be defined and developed. Web based interfaces must be created which utilize the communicative potential of social media within world wide university networks. This project proposes to integrate interdisciplinary scholarship with the fluidity and comprehensiveness of social media networks to provide sustainable solutions through the incorporation of a digital knowledge base.
    NOTE: The paper should go on to clearly define all the jargon and concepts in the abstract.
