Saturday, February 14, 2009

RAP Session #1 update

My RAP session went extremely well. I have found many more sources, (which I will list at the end)and I feel that I have my work cut out for me in the coming weeks. I remembered a concept over the weekend that I have learned about before, but would find very applicable to my research. This concept is social capital. I think I can refer to the increase in knowledge of digital identities and subsequently social networks in terms of the social capital it provides. Anyway, this will require much more thought and research. I need to conceptualize the structure of my research paper soon. So here is a list of the resources I have found from worldcat, the asu library, and google scholar:

"The Role of Information Technology in Building and Sustaining the Relational Base of Communities" by Marleen Huysman and Volker Wulf
"E-Social Capital: Building Community through electronic networks" by Lisa Hopkins and Julian Thomas
"Knowledge and Learning in online networks in development: a social capital perspective" by Sarah Cummings
"Understanding the Relationship Between Information and Communication Technology and Social Capital" by Song Yang, Heejin Lee, and Sherah Kurnia
"Social Capital and Community Building through Electronic Network" by Liza Hopkins
"Why Should I Share? Social Capital and Knowledge Contribution in Electronic Networks" by Molly McLure Wasko
"Virtual Community: No 'Killer Implication'" by Andrew Feenberg and Maria Bakardijieva
"The Internet and Political Transformation" by Bruce Bimber
"Knowledge Transfer in Virtual Settings" by Yinglei Wang and Nicole Haggerty
"Social Capital Online, Collective use of the Internet and Reciprocity as Lubricants of Democracy" by Tetsuro Kobayashi, Kenichi Ikeda, and Kakuko Miyata
"Community Informanities" by Keigh Keeble and Brian Loader
"A knowledge transfer framework for virtual projects" by Petra M. Bosch-Sijtsema
"Web Mapping 2.0: The Neogeography of the Geo Web" by Muki Hakl
"CauseWired: plugging in, getting involved, changing the world" by Tom Watson
"Advertising 2.0: Social media marketing in a Web 2.0 world" by Tracy L. Tuten
"Strategies for Online Communities" by Shu-Jou Lin
"Networked Identities: understanding relationships between strong and weak ties in networked environments" by T. Ryberg and M.C. Larsen
"Networked Learning a Relational Approach: Weak and Strong Ties" by C.R. Jones
"Curating Yourself Online" by Esther Dyson
"Technology and Social Inclusion" by Mark Warshauer
"Digital Diversions" by Julian Sefton-Green
"Communities in Cyberspace" by Marc A. Smith

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